My Home For The Last 4 Months In Los Angeles

I think only two people ever visited me in the house I lived in for the last four months of my stay in L.A.
Located in Highland Park, which was only 5 minutes north of downtown off the 110, I was nestled in the hills in a neighborhood with tons of Craftsman homes. Some were restored to their original stunningness, but there were quite a few in total disrepair.
Luckily, many young couples were discovering the city and these houses and were buying them up for restoration. I am sure in a few years it will be a real up and coming neighborhood and the property values will soar.
This home was a strange experience for me. I was living with 7 other people (the house was quite large and we all had our own rooms) but I never really saw them, except in the morning if my car was parked behind one of theirs. The nearest Starbucks was over 5 miles away and a majority of the stores around me were Mexican markets. My first week was really hard, but I gradually got used to it and honestly learned to love it.

From the patio I could look towards downtown, which was just over the hills in the background. As the sun was setting I could watch the sun gleam off of the planes as they made their turn over downtown to take their final descent into LAX.

One of my favorite things about the house was the patio and these Adirondack chairs. I've always loved that type of chair and had a dream that when I had my own home I would have these big loungy chairs to sit on and take in a beautiful view. They were one of the selling points to me when I decided to rent the room here. I remember the day that I decided to take full use of them. It was a beautiful evening and the sun was just setting. I had a glass of wine in one hand and my favorite book in the other. I started to walk over to the chair and I looked down just in time to see a large parade of ants making their way right for my destination...
It ended up being a lovely sunset, taken in from my living room window :)

I think only two people ever visited me in the house I lived in for the last four months of my stay in L.A.
Located in Highland Park, which was only 5 minutes north of downtown off the 110, I was nestled in the hills in a neighborhood with tons of Craftsman homes. Some were restored to their original stunningness, but there were quite a few in total disrepair.
Luckily, many young couples were discovering the city and these houses and were buying them up for restoration. I am sure in a few years it will be a real up and coming neighborhood and the property values will soar.

This home was a strange experience for me. I was living with 7 other people (the house was quite large and we all had our own rooms) but I never really saw them, except in the morning if my car was parked behind one of theirs. The nearest Starbucks was over 5 miles away and a majority of the stores around me were Mexican markets. My first week was really hard, but I gradually got used to it and honestly learned to love it.

From the patio I could look towards downtown, which was just over the hills in the background. As the sun was setting I could watch the sun gleam off of the planes as they made their turn over downtown to take their final descent into LAX.

One of my favorite things about the house was the patio and these Adirondack chairs. I've always loved that type of chair and had a dream that when I had my own home I would have these big loungy chairs to sit on and take in a beautiful view. They were one of the selling points to me when I decided to rent the room here. I remember the day that I decided to take full use of them. It was a beautiful evening and the sun was just setting. I had a glass of wine in one hand and my favorite book in the other. I started to walk over to the chair and I looked down just in time to see a large parade of ants making their way right for my destination...
It ended up being a lovely sunset, taken in from my living room window :)