What a crazy band.
My friend Mr. Kool was adamant about me seeing this band with him. He asked me to go a couple weeks ago before my recent drama and I immediately started making calls to see if we could go for free. I didn't hear anything back from my contacts and then insanity hit and I withdrew into a cave to deal. I still received random texts from Mr. Kool demanding my presence at this event and a day before the show I received a call letting me know that my name was on the guest list and could I please interview the band before the show.
Oh, well...I guess so.
The day began crazy and my camera guy was M.I.A. We gave a quick tutorial to an editor who had previous experience with the camera and off we went to the venue, a new employee that I was training on doing interviews in tow. So I've got two newbees and a very popular band with an eclectic mix of musicians, performance artists and a air about them which I immediately recognized from my years in LA. They weren't messing around, and I was a bit nervous as to how this was going to go down. As I was running sound I couldn't take any pictures of my own.
Luckily all went well. We had 4 of the members and a ninja. Can't beat that. With a meeting time of 8:00 that night I went home and rested my head a bit before heading out to meet Mr. Kool at the venue. Unfortunately his girl was unable to join us. The show was sold out and she wanted to come last minute. Neither one of us were giving up the ticket so in we went. Three $5 PBR's, a crash course in my new friends amazingly interesting life and two and a half hours later, the show begins.

We were easily able to get up front in the sold out crowd and I had a good vantage point to take some photos, but I had only my iPhone. I have no idea why I don't think to carry my point and shoot with me. My birthday gift of a new bag from the Panda has ample room. Perhaps it's the massive amount of batteries that darn thing eats.

The stage show for of Montreal is an experience. The aforementioned ninja had multiplied, as you can see above. Or maybe you can't...ninja stealth.We didn't get the horse that NYC was lucky enough to see, however there were many costume changes by the lead singer and elaborate performance art from their characters that tour with the band.

I watched the show through the viewfinders of other concert goer's camera's and was jealous that they were able to get such great shots. The LCD would light up with a zoomed in photo of the lead singer and I would be struck by the similarities to Bowie and Iggy Pop as he slowly transformed himself with every song he sang. By the time the show was over, he had been painted red by the characters and was jumping around the stage with a vengeance. The crowd was whipped up into such a frenzy that one the band members laid himself down on top of the fans to let them carry him around; he sucked up the energy that they gave off and returned to the stage to unleash it on the drum set.
I was impressed, to say the least. They have a new fan in me that's for sure. I was also impressed with the crowd. Very respectful for an all ages show. I liked the venue as well...so overall, it was a great experience. I'm glad Mr. Kool dragged me out of my self induced cave if only for a night. I also learned so much about him and it was nice to lose myself in someone else's issues for a little while.
And as an extra added bonus, a picture from my adventures halloween night with three grown men in footie pajamas. Always good times.
My friend Mr. Kool was adamant about me seeing this band with him. He asked me to go a couple weeks ago before my recent drama and I immediately started making calls to see if we could go for free. I didn't hear anything back from my contacts and then insanity hit and I withdrew into a cave to deal. I still received random texts from Mr. Kool demanding my presence at this event and a day before the show I received a call letting me know that my name was on the guest list and could I please interview the band before the show.
Oh, well...I guess so.
The day began crazy and my camera guy was M.I.A. We gave a quick tutorial to an editor who had previous experience with the camera and off we went to the venue, a new employee that I was training on doing interviews in tow. So I've got two newbees and a very popular band with an eclectic mix of musicians, performance artists and a air about them which I immediately recognized from my years in LA. They weren't messing around, and I was a bit nervous as to how this was going to go down. As I was running sound I couldn't take any pictures of my own.
Luckily all went well. We had 4 of the members and a ninja. Can't beat that. With a meeting time of 8:00 that night I went home and rested my head a bit before heading out to meet Mr. Kool at the venue. Unfortunately his girl was unable to join us. The show was sold out and she wanted to come last minute. Neither one of us were giving up the ticket so in we went. Three $5 PBR's, a crash course in my new friends amazingly interesting life and two and a half hours later, the show begins.

We were easily able to get up front in the sold out crowd and I had a good vantage point to take some photos, but I had only my iPhone. I have no idea why I don't think to carry my point and shoot with me. My birthday gift of a new bag from the Panda has ample room. Perhaps it's the massive amount of batteries that darn thing eats.

The stage show for of Montreal is an experience. The aforementioned ninja had multiplied, as you can see above. Or maybe you can't...ninja stealth.We didn't get the horse that NYC was lucky enough to see, however there were many costume changes by the lead singer and elaborate performance art from their characters that tour with the band.

I watched the show through the viewfinders of other concert goer's camera's and was jealous that they were able to get such great shots. The LCD would light up with a zoomed in photo of the lead singer and I would be struck by the similarities to Bowie and Iggy Pop as he slowly transformed himself with every song he sang. By the time the show was over, he had been painted red by the characters and was jumping around the stage with a vengeance. The crowd was whipped up into such a frenzy that one the band members laid himself down on top of the fans to let them carry him around; he sucked up the energy that they gave off and returned to the stage to unleash it on the drum set.
I was impressed, to say the least. They have a new fan in me that's for sure. I was also impressed with the crowd. Very respectful for an all ages show. I liked the venue as well...so overall, it was a great experience. I'm glad Mr. Kool dragged me out of my self induced cave if only for a night. I also learned so much about him and it was nice to lose myself in someone else's issues for a little while.
And as an extra added bonus, a picture from my adventures halloween night with three grown men in footie pajamas. Always good times.
