Today was a rally in my neighborhood for No on Prop 8. I could hear the cheering crowds in the distance and felt my heart ache a little for my friends in California who are affected by this. I wished that I could show them the solidarity that we have up here for them, but I think they could feel the love. It was radiating all over the city. Interesting too that Prop 8 is having an impact up here. I think it's funny how California is still relevant to me here, it's pull so strong that even the Santa Ana's affect me still. They were blowing last week and coupled with the full moon it created some tension that I'm still working out. I think yoga is on the agenda tonight.

I haven't spent much time in the city since Halloween, so I was craving some Seattle time. Panda joined me on a quest for the Arboretum, which (note to self) is only 10 blocks from my house. Of course, we took the long way and hit up the Botanical Gardens first. Strange little place...and I do mean little. Maybe it's pretty during the spring was pretty lame this time of year.

I'm still learning my zoom lens and I'm stupidly grateful that I haven't had to return it just yet for cash. This family thing has me strapped for the next week but I've been living well thanks to the bear so I'm not turning to pawning my stuff just yet!

The Arboretum, like I mentioned, is very close to my house and almost (ok, sorta kinda) Central Park'esque as you can drive through it in a big loop. We parked and walked the trail but with the cars driving by I was acutely aware of my location in the city. I also spotted larches at the end of their glory and cursed a little at them. Had I known that I could have walked to see these elusive trees instead of driving all the way up to Mt. Baker...oh grrr. Stupid larches.

K & P at it again, sneaking into things instead of paying full price. The Japanese Garden shouldn't cost $5 to get in...I mean geesh.
I wrestled with some anger this weekend. I suppose it's normal and will pass, just as the sadness did. I'm taking a trip out of the city next weekend and I'm very excited. It gives me something to look forward to and makes it easier for me to get through the week, even if it is only to the other side of the mountains. This situaiton has been a good lesson in control for me. When to have it, and when to let it go. Sometimes you can't control events around you, but you can control how you react to the events. I think I'm learning.

I haven't spent much time in the city since Halloween, so I was craving some Seattle time. Panda joined me on a quest for the Arboretum, which (note to self) is only 10 blocks from my house. Of course, we took the long way and hit up the Botanical Gardens first. Strange little place...and I do mean little. Maybe it's pretty during the spring was pretty lame this time of year.

I'm still learning my zoom lens and I'm stupidly grateful that I haven't had to return it just yet for cash. This family thing has me strapped for the next week but I've been living well thanks to the bear so I'm not turning to pawning my stuff just yet!

The Arboretum, like I mentioned, is very close to my house and almost (ok, sorta kinda) Central Park'esque as you can drive through it in a big loop. We parked and walked the trail but with the cars driving by I was acutely aware of my location in the city. I also spotted larches at the end of their glory and cursed a little at them. Had I known that I could have walked to see these elusive trees instead of driving all the way up to Mt. Baker...oh grrr. Stupid larches.

K & P at it again, sneaking into things instead of paying full price. The Japanese Garden shouldn't cost $5 to get in...I mean geesh.
I wrestled with some anger this weekend. I suppose it's normal and will pass, just as the sadness did. I'm taking a trip out of the city next weekend and I'm very excited. It gives me something to look forward to and makes it easier for me to get through the week, even if it is only to the other side of the mountains. This situaiton has been a good lesson in control for me. When to have it, and when to let it go. Sometimes you can't control events around you, but you can control how you react to the events. I think I'm learning.