The cold has arrived.
My alarm did not go off this morning, but it was not needed. At 6:40 am I was gently nudged awake by Jack Frost. The chill in the air made me shiver beneath my blankets and when I set my foot down on the carpet it was like plunging my foot into a mountain stream fed by glaciers. I drove to work listening stories of Amish buggy auctions on NPR with periodic local weather reports reminding me that the snow will be coming tonight.
My Panda has been down in the dumps the last couple days and it's been up to me to keep spirits high. It's the least I could do for him after he's been so great this last month during my own family dramas. He suggested a shoot locale last night and I was more than down.
I have been studying photos like crazy lately trying to understand the complexity of photography. It's especially hard during this time of year to shoot with any daylight so I've had to work on my night shooting. It's a test of skill and with my new found resolve to shoot less, appreciate more, I figured after shooting last night that I would come away with one shot that I liked.

I was right, and this is it.I hope you like it.
Happy Friday everyone!
And upon further review of my photos, it's been suggested that I add the following...

This photo was a lesson for me. The dock around Coulon Beach was strung with hundreds of large bulb Christmas lights that reflected in Lake Washington so beautifully that it was the first thing my eyes were drawn to. One of my goals is to begin focusing on a single object in a photo, a reason for composing a shot instead of just "shooting pretty". I decided to focus on the lamp posts dotting the wooden pathway. I took multiple shots, but in the end this one is my favorite.
My alarm did not go off this morning, but it was not needed. At 6:40 am I was gently nudged awake by Jack Frost. The chill in the air made me shiver beneath my blankets and when I set my foot down on the carpet it was like plunging my foot into a mountain stream fed by glaciers. I drove to work listening stories of Amish buggy auctions on NPR with periodic local weather reports reminding me that the snow will be coming tonight.
My Panda has been down in the dumps the last couple days and it's been up to me to keep spirits high. It's the least I could do for him after he's been so great this last month during my own family dramas. He suggested a shoot locale last night and I was more than down.
I have been studying photos like crazy lately trying to understand the complexity of photography. It's especially hard during this time of year to shoot with any daylight so I've had to work on my night shooting. It's a test of skill and with my new found resolve to shoot less, appreciate more, I figured after shooting last night that I would come away with one shot that I liked.

I was right, and this is it.I hope you like it.
Happy Friday everyone!
And upon further review of my photos, it's been suggested that I add the following...

This photo was a lesson for me. The dock around Coulon Beach was strung with hundreds of large bulb Christmas lights that reflected in Lake Washington so beautifully that it was the first thing my eyes were drawn to. One of my goals is to begin focusing on a single object in a photo, a reason for composing a shot instead of just "shooting pretty". I decided to focus on the lamp posts dotting the wooden pathway. I took multiple shots, but in the end this one is my favorite.