Fort Flagler, along with the heavy batteries of Fort Worden and Fort Casey, once guarded nautical entrance to Puget Sound. These posts, established in the late 1890's, became the first line of a fortification system designed to prevent a hostile fleet from reaching such targets as the Bremerton Naval Yard and the cities of Seattle, Tacoma and Everett. Construction began in 1897 and continued in one form or another until the fort was closed in 1953. The property was purchased as a state park in 1955. Fort Flagler is named after Brigadier General Daniel Webster Flagler.

When I was little, my Mom took me on a trip to Port Townsend. We stayed in one of the officers houses at Fort Flagler, sharing it with another family. I remember playing in the old bunkers and scaring each other in the tunnels. I took a trip to Port Townsend on my birthday, but missed this main reason for going, thus a return was mandatory.

I parked my car amongst a throng of teenage lacrosse players and started my walk towards the bunkers. Each one was dug into the ground, with a look out stationed only yards away gazing upon a beautiful view of Admiralty Inlet. Battery Reserve was built in 1897 and housed two 10 inch Barbette guns, with rooms below to haul up the powder and projectiles.

The same with Battery Rawlins, however Battery Wilhelm contained two 12 inch Barbette guns along with a plotting room and telephone switch boards. In 1914 the switchboards were moved to rooms into the lower level of Battery Wilhelm for greater survivability from air attack.

I was completely alone on the bunkers, but the sound of teenage girls laughter drifted in and out on the wind so I wasn't too frightened. However, I can't say that Pink Floyd didn't run through my head the entire time. "Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb". The Wall has always been one of my favorite movies and album.

I followed a path down to another gun location and peered over a cliff to my doom. I noticed and open door to a room that seemed built into the mountain, not like they all weren't, but when I peered in I saw a very old, and hopefully unused in quite some time, toilet. A perfect opportunity for a composite.

The cliffs were so lovely and I noticed a trail leading down to a lighthouse on the beach. There were cars parked there so I decided to drive down instead of trekking all the way around. I started my accent, but for some reason looked down and noticed a tiny little lone daisy. I couldn't believe my luck! It's quite a bit into winter and yet this little guy held on. I couldn't help but think he was waiting for me.

I had to wait for the next ferry home and I was so tired that I almost fell asleep in my car. I had started this journey very early so by the time it ended I was done. However, I pulled myself out of my car and headed to the top deck to catch the sunset...and I'm glad I did.
It was a good Saturday, and another day that makes me grateful to live in this beautiful state.

When I was little, my Mom took me on a trip to Port Townsend. We stayed in one of the officers houses at Fort Flagler, sharing it with another family. I remember playing in the old bunkers and scaring each other in the tunnels. I took a trip to Port Townsend on my birthday, but missed this main reason for going, thus a return was mandatory.

I parked my car amongst a throng of teenage lacrosse players and started my walk towards the bunkers. Each one was dug into the ground, with a look out stationed only yards away gazing upon a beautiful view of Admiralty Inlet. Battery Reserve was built in 1897 and housed two 10 inch Barbette guns, with rooms below to haul up the powder and projectiles.

The same with Battery Rawlins, however Battery Wilhelm contained two 12 inch Barbette guns along with a plotting room and telephone switch boards. In 1914 the switchboards were moved to rooms into the lower level of Battery Wilhelm for greater survivability from air attack.

I was completely alone on the bunkers, but the sound of teenage girls laughter drifted in and out on the wind so I wasn't too frightened. However, I can't say that Pink Floyd didn't run through my head the entire time. "Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb". The Wall has always been one of my favorite movies and album.

I followed a path down to another gun location and peered over a cliff to my doom. I noticed and open door to a room that seemed built into the mountain, not like they all weren't, but when I peered in I saw a very old, and hopefully unused in quite some time, toilet. A perfect opportunity for a composite.

The cliffs were so lovely and I noticed a trail leading down to a lighthouse on the beach. There were cars parked there so I decided to drive down instead of trekking all the way around. I started my accent, but for some reason looked down and noticed a tiny little lone daisy. I couldn't believe my luck! It's quite a bit into winter and yet this little guy held on. I couldn't help but think he was waiting for me.

I had to wait for the next ferry home and I was so tired that I almost fell asleep in my car. I had started this journey very early so by the time it ended I was done. However, I pulled myself out of my car and headed to the top deck to catch the sunset...and I'm glad I did.
It was a good Saturday, and another day that makes me grateful to live in this beautiful state.
Love the sunset shot with the gull too :)
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