Oh, this was a Kobna (pardon the expression) hike in it's truest form. Left an hour early from work to catch the low tide, forgot my compact flash, didn't research the park and walked two miles from my car, saw a church on a cliff and almost broke down and cried, cursed a certain persons existence in a Christan Bale like manner, made it to the beach to see the sunset, hiked back to my car in the dark. Thank god for headlamps.

I want a new camera. I frustrated myself last night because I feel like I've outgrown mine, which is a great feat after having owned it for around 6 months. Sometimes I want to just take a really great shot of something pretty instead of having to process it to hell and back. Still, the one below is nice.

In any case, the tide is low at Discovery Park. I'm going to attempt it again on Saturday, a little more prepared. Hopefully memories won't cloud my judgment and I'll do some nice creating. I'm so going through my anger phase it's not even funny.

an extra shot added...as I guess some people like it.

I want a new camera. I frustrated myself last night because I feel like I've outgrown mine, which is a great feat after having owned it for around 6 months. Sometimes I want to just take a really great shot of something pretty instead of having to process it to hell and back. Still, the one below is nice.

In any case, the tide is low at Discovery Park. I'm going to attempt it again on Saturday, a little more prepared. Hopefully memories won't cloud my judgment and I'll do some nice creating. I'm so going through my anger phase it's not even funny.

an extra shot added...as I guess some people like it.
The sunset was worth it. Very pretty.