I can't stop playing with my iPhone. After almost three months of having a cracked screen, finally my phone is whole again. I was up late last night restoring everything and adding new music. I fell asleep with the darn thing in my hand waiting for iTunes to update it.
My cousin Zach has been staying with me for the last couple days. It's strange walking into my house and there is someone already in it. I now know it's nothing I want to do, voluntarily, again unless it's someone I can cuddle up to at night.
My cousin Stephie is having a housewarming party on Saturday, so I'll be seeing even more of my family this week. I think I'm stable enough to handle it.
Speaking of cuddling, I love my daily good morning text. They cause me to have a case of the smiles all day.
I can't stop reading comics.
And in honor of said hipsterific comic, my favorite band of the moment is Florence and The Machine Check out the Optimo Remix of "Dog Days Are Over". It's technoey goodness. Then listen to "Kiss With A Fist" to get the gist of their sound...oh and "I'm Not Calling You A Liar"
ah hell, just listen to all of it.