A lot of links today and some rambling...
NPR did a story on a show that is part of the MoPLA (Month of Photography, Los Angeles) called Behind Photographs.
"Although the photos are recognizable, the people hiding behind the lens usually aren't. Mantoani wanted to pay homage to the creators of some of the most iconic, timeless images. It was a mammoth endeavor, not only because of his subjects -- all photographic giants -- but also because of his equipment choice. There are only six of these 235-pound, five-foot-tall, 20 x 24 Polaroid cameras in the world, and Mantoani used one of them to take his portraits. It's an homage, then, to the photographers, to their photographs, and also to a dwindling photographic medium."
With my recent obsession with older format cameras, I was drawn to this show. Mostly because of the camera he shot with, but also one of the things I love about photography is that this is something I can (and will) do for the rest of my life. When you see the faces of the people who have shot these iconic photos the passion for this creative outlet is apparent. My grandma sent me a shot of her photography club in Monument Valley, AZ and my heart swooned for them. 47 retirees out in the desert enjoying the freedom of shooting away to their hearts content. I want to be one of them when I'm older and seeing that shot I've never felt closer to my grandparents.
How cute are they!? My grandpa is the fourth one from the left in the red cap and my grandma is right next to him, under the guy holding his cowboy hat. My grandpa is beginning to suffer from Alzheimers and my grandma has been taking it pretty hard. She said he did very well out there for the three days and judging by the smile on his face I would say he did as well.

"rosebud" iPhone, toycamera
Saturday night Casey and I wandered the Hill trying to catch up with Mr. Kool and his girl, but each bar we hit up we missed them. This shot was taken at Rosebud with my iPhone and the program toycamera which is one of my favorite applications I've ever downloaded. It's getting me used to my switch to film which I'm both frightened of and so freakin' excited for. Once you take the shot there is no control over what process it will go through. Black and white? High contrast? Lomo? Vintage? You never know until it processes the shot. It's too much fun to play with.
I've been in research mode and haven't really been out shooting, although I do have a couple interviews today that may give me the opportunity. I'm trying not to let the weather get me down, but long stretches of gray suck. I need a blue sky soon.
NPR did a story on a show that is part of the MoPLA (Month of Photography, Los Angeles) called Behind Photographs.
"Although the photos are recognizable, the people hiding behind the lens usually aren't. Mantoani wanted to pay homage to the creators of some of the most iconic, timeless images. It was a mammoth endeavor, not only because of his subjects -- all photographic giants -- but also because of his equipment choice. There are only six of these 235-pound, five-foot-tall, 20 x 24 Polaroid cameras in the world, and Mantoani used one of them to take his portraits. It's an homage, then, to the photographers, to their photographs, and also to a dwindling photographic medium."
With my recent obsession with older format cameras, I was drawn to this show. Mostly because of the camera he shot with, but also one of the things I love about photography is that this is something I can (and will) do for the rest of my life. When you see the faces of the people who have shot these iconic photos the passion for this creative outlet is apparent. My grandma sent me a shot of her photography club in Monument Valley, AZ and my heart swooned for them. 47 retirees out in the desert enjoying the freedom of shooting away to their hearts content. I want to be one of them when I'm older and seeing that shot I've never felt closer to my grandparents.
How cute are they!? My grandpa is the fourth one from the left in the red cap and my grandma is right next to him, under the guy holding his cowboy hat. My grandpa is beginning to suffer from Alzheimers and my grandma has been taking it pretty hard. She said he did very well out there for the three days and judging by the smile on his face I would say he did as well.

"rosebud" iPhone, toycamera
Saturday night Casey and I wandered the Hill trying to catch up with Mr. Kool and his girl, but each bar we hit up we missed them. This shot was taken at Rosebud with my iPhone and the program toycamera which is one of my favorite applications I've ever downloaded. It's getting me used to my switch to film which I'm both frightened of and so freakin' excited for. Once you take the shot there is no control over what process it will go through. Black and white? High contrast? Lomo? Vintage? You never know until it processes the shot. It's too much fun to play with.
I've been in research mode and haven't really been out shooting, although I do have a couple interviews today that may give me the opportunity. I'm trying not to let the weather get me down, but long stretches of gray suck. I need a blue sky soon.