the sweet isn't as sweet...

A friend made a comment to me about the snow we had today. Saying he was amazed at the weather our way, but trying to rub it in that it's 67 and sunny in LA. I said to him yes it snowed and yes it's rainy and cold right now however; the daffodils are blooming like weeds, the green is returning to the trees and spring colors are showing up everywhere I look. Don't even get me started on the cherry blossoms that I can't stop photographing.

So fine, perhaps it's sunny in LA now but once the summer hits here and the green of the evergreens mingles with the blue sunny skies dotted with white puffy clouds all the rain will pay off and it will have been worth the gloomy winter. I'd take that over the smog covered skyline of the LA basin any f'ing day.

The sweet isn't as sweet without the sour.

So while I'm downloading Vanilla Sky, I thought that I might post a couple pictures.

sun beam
"sunbeam" iPhone

I'm loving my iPhone right now and I've discovered two things that made me giddy. I've been listening to a lot of music lately to the point where I'll put on an entire album and just stare at the ceiling, listening and day dreaming. The first app I came across was while reading an online magazine called Daytrotter that I was lead to in a round about way from a link Bill sent me from Current TV. I found it to be a lot like Pitchfork, but less pretentious and with illustration! Who doesn't love a good drawing of your favorite artist?

But I digress...per usual.


There was a link on Daytrotter to an iPhone app for Wolfgang's Vault, which if I wasn't too tired I might explain to you how this website came to be but for now I'll just explain how freaking cool it is. Not only did Daytrotter have all of their live sessions streaming through this application but I could listen to old concerts from the likes of Fleetwood Mac, Jimi Hendrix, U2, Van Morrison and if it couldn't get any better I found a Pink Floyd concert from 1977! This is music heaven I tell ya.

On a side note, if you are so inclined, check out Bon Iver and The Long Winters. Two of my favorite artists. Both are excellent live sessions and totally worth the listen.

The second is an app called Bloom from Brian Eno that Casey turned me on to. It's all ambient music that you can either listen to or create on your own. It's hours of entertainment. Casey actually puts it on "listen" and just lets it play.

old arch
"old arch"

I was attempting to get a couple rainy blossom shots today and I went to set my camera down on a ledge and saw this bottle of Monarch. Oh the arch...

To note...I purchased a new (to me) camera. I think it may be about 50 years old and a hint of what the shots look like is on this post. I'm so excited to finally start taking the kind of pictures that I've been faking all this time. Stay tuned, and in the meantime enjoy the rain.
