After three months of research, flip flopping between cameras, deciding on Nikon or Canon, saving money, and new camera has arrived: the beautiful, intimidating Nikon D90.

"don't you throw that thing at me!"
It doesn't feel like mine. It feels like I borrowed it. It feels like it shouldn't be in my hands, but then it fits perfect. I received it at work, not brought to me by my favorite man in brown but he did make sure it was delivered to me first thing.
I had planned on doing a photo walk when I got home from work, but upon hearing about MJ's passing I was glued to NPR. On the drive home I turned it to KUBE and they were playing nothing but his songs. I drove down Broadway with "ABC" blasting from my radio and people on the street were smiling and nodding along. I didn't want to stop listening so I grabbed Casey and we drove around, eventually ending up in Fremont. While at a red light I heard a young couple talking about his death while they were sitting at a bus stop with their three young children. At that moment "Rock With You" came on the radio and I turned it up loud. The lady smiled, cheered and we all started dancing and singing. The light turned green and I waved goodbye with a peace sign. Say what you will about the man, but the music...never question the music. He was my generation's Elvis. Just as the baby boomers lost Lennon and Elvis, mine lost Cobain and Jackson.

Eventually we ended up at Chapel where we were joined by the tall one and Angel later in the evening. I made quick friends with the bartender and he was kind enough to discount drinks and bring free food.
Casey loved the frame rate, and at 4.5 FPS who could blame him? I was worried about the frame rate from Nikon verses the 40D, but it blew away any misconceptions I had about Nikon in the hands of my dear friend. I'm planning on putting together a time lapse video once I figure out Capture.

"daisy in the wheat"
Dearest Panda,
When I first put this camera in my hands I knew exactly what to do. I knew the terminology, I put it up to my eye and knew how to read all the numbers and meters. I read through the manual with excitement and understanding. I do all of this because of what you taught me. Had it not been for you I would have never picked up this passion of mine, I would have never found the love for photography that I have now. I would never in the world have thought of buying a $1200 camera and investing hundreds of dollars on glass. I look at this camera and I say to myself "I can't believe I know how to use this!".
I don't know if you come here, if you still follow my progress, or if I'm still relevant to you...but I want to say thank you. A million times thank you.
Always your,

"don't you throw that thing at me!"
It doesn't feel like mine. It feels like I borrowed it. It feels like it shouldn't be in my hands, but then it fits perfect. I received it at work, not brought to me by my favorite man in brown but he did make sure it was delivered to me first thing.
I had planned on doing a photo walk when I got home from work, but upon hearing about MJ's passing I was glued to NPR. On the drive home I turned it to KUBE and they were playing nothing but his songs. I drove down Broadway with "ABC" blasting from my radio and people on the street were smiling and nodding along. I didn't want to stop listening so I grabbed Casey and we drove around, eventually ending up in Fremont. While at a red light I heard a young couple talking about his death while they were sitting at a bus stop with their three young children. At that moment "Rock With You" came on the radio and I turned it up loud. The lady smiled, cheered and we all started dancing and singing. The light turned green and I waved goodbye with a peace sign. Say what you will about the man, but the music...never question the music. He was my generation's Elvis. Just as the baby boomers lost Lennon and Elvis, mine lost Cobain and Jackson.

Eventually we ended up at Chapel where we were joined by the tall one and Angel later in the evening. I made quick friends with the bartender and he was kind enough to discount drinks and bring free food.
Casey loved the frame rate, and at 4.5 FPS who could blame him? I was worried about the frame rate from Nikon verses the 40D, but it blew away any misconceptions I had about Nikon in the hands of my dear friend. I'm planning on putting together a time lapse video once I figure out Capture.

"daisy in the wheat"
Dearest Panda,
When I first put this camera in my hands I knew exactly what to do. I knew the terminology, I put it up to my eye and knew how to read all the numbers and meters. I read through the manual with excitement and understanding. I do all of this because of what you taught me. Had it not been for you I would have never picked up this passion of mine, I would have never found the love for photography that I have now. I would never in the world have thought of buying a $1200 camera and investing hundreds of dollars on glass. I look at this camera and I say to myself "I can't believe I know how to use this!".
I don't know if you come here, if you still follow my progress, or if I'm still relevant to you...but I want to say thank you. A million times thank you.
Always your,