addison diptych
Karl Addison is a local artist. I see his work all over the hill, along with a few other of my favorite sticker artists like starheadboy and (0v0). I love taking photographs of their art that I find in strange places and it's been awesome that they have seen my photos and liked them. I mentioned to the tall one that I was invited to a dinner for local artists by a contact from Italy on Flickr. I found it odd that I was invited and he said "but you are a local artist".
I've been thinking about the idea of that. I guess I never really considered myself an artist, nor the idea of a photographer actually being one. I used to tell Panda that I loved his photos mostly because it gave me the opportunity to see through his eyes. I shoot what I see and in shooting someone else's creation does that mean I'm stealing their art or am I showing them what I see in it? Is it an homage to them or a smack in the face? I haven't figured it out yet. Karl loved the above photo, and I guess that's all that matters.
What I love about this particular piece is it's a way for him to let go of his ghosts, his demons, the things that plague his mind every day and set them free. These little guys are for purchase and you can take them right off the wall at the installation, however I opted not to. Mostly because the idea of purchasing someone's ghost doesn't appeal to me. I have enough of my own, but I love the idea of manifesting them into something tangible. After the show is over he will be placing them throughout the neighborhood for others to take. I look forward to spotting them and I wonder if the people who take them will inherent the ghost that resides inside.