The tall one checked my blog last night, which I totally love that he regularly checks in on my photography, and noticed his anagram. Hilarity ensued and he came up with a few good ones for me but my favorite (although sarcasm diva yeti is great) has to be what I titled this blog post as. Kinda cool that my name has camera in it :)
Like I said yesterday I purchased my nifty fifty this last weekend and I figured I'd take a quick walk over to volunteer park to revisit the dahlias that I had shot last year with my little Canon A510. I spent a little time going through some of my old shots and it's interesting to see my progression. I see the growth, but I realize I have a long way to go.

Speaking of reminiscing, the sun was bright in the sky while I took these shots so I composed best I could but didn't really review. When I got home I pulled out my SD card, uploaded my shots and was shocked to see this photo. Had this dahlia been red I would have an exact replica of Panda's shot he took at his meeting in SD about a year and a half ago. Am I were he was at that time? It wouldn't be that strange as he was my mentor, but I was a little surprised to see it. I took a look through some of his shots on his blog from around that time and it was nice to reminisce about the fun times.

The two reasons why I am excited about my little 50mm are; I can start doing ttv's again and also I can use my close up filters!! I love this shot, the delicate pedals of the flower, the wisps of red through out, the depth of field. It's going to be exciting to use this lens at Stephie's wedding.

I haven't been hiking much this year, but I've been lucky to go on some quality ones with great company. I noticed these flowers blanketing the area in front of the greenhouse and it made me realize that the f word is upon us...fall. I'm actually kinda excited about it. September and October are my two favorite months for hiking and I'm really hoping to get up to the Enchantments (or at least Colchuck) to take pictures of the larches I missed out on last year.
I have to say that, although I haven't been up in the mountains much, this summer has truly been an adventure. I know it's not over just yet, but it seems as though each week has been something new for me. I've met some really amazing people, I've tasted new foods, I've gone to many events in the city, I met a great person who shared all this with me...and I never lost myself. Very cool indeed.
Like I said yesterday I purchased my nifty fifty this last weekend and I figured I'd take a quick walk over to volunteer park to revisit the dahlias that I had shot last year with my little Canon A510. I spent a little time going through some of my old shots and it's interesting to see my progression. I see the growth, but I realize I have a long way to go.

Speaking of reminiscing, the sun was bright in the sky while I took these shots so I composed best I could but didn't really review. When I got home I pulled out my SD card, uploaded my shots and was shocked to see this photo. Had this dahlia been red I would have an exact replica of Panda's shot he took at his meeting in SD about a year and a half ago. Am I were he was at that time? It wouldn't be that strange as he was my mentor, but I was a little surprised to see it. I took a look through some of his shots on his blog from around that time and it was nice to reminisce about the fun times.

The two reasons why I am excited about my little 50mm are; I can start doing ttv's again and also I can use my close up filters!! I love this shot, the delicate pedals of the flower, the wisps of red through out, the depth of field. It's going to be exciting to use this lens at Stephie's wedding.

I haven't been hiking much this year, but I've been lucky to go on some quality ones with great company. I noticed these flowers blanketing the area in front of the greenhouse and it made me realize that the f word is upon us...fall. I'm actually kinda excited about it. September and October are my two favorite months for hiking and I'm really hoping to get up to the Enchantments (or at least Colchuck) to take pictures of the larches I missed out on last year.
I have to say that, although I haven't been up in the mountains much, this summer has truly been an adventure. I know it's not over just yet, but it seems as though each week has been something new for me. I've met some really amazing people, I've tasted new foods, I've gone to many events in the city, I met a great person who shared all this with me...and I never lost myself. Very cool indeed.
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