
I had a few photos that artistically weren't that great, but I wanted to add them to the blog and flickr for the family to see. I named this post snapshots, as that's exactly what these are!

levi and aunt shirley

Aunt Shirley and my cousin Levi

mother of the bride

Aunt Shirley's hair was so beautiful!

gm gp bud nancy

Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Bud and his wife Nancy.

grandparents with couple

Grandma and Grandpa with Stephie and Judah.

lauren stephie jolie

Lauren, Stephie and Jolie. Yay cousins!

grandma and grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa with Grandma's mountain.

shirley and elaine

Aunt Shirley with her best friend from high school, Elaine. I was sitting in the dinning area before the wedding and Elaine walked by me and asked if I was George's wife. I said "no, I'm his neice" and she went "wow! you're Stacy, Peg's daughter! I knew you when you were tiny!". Strangely enough, that's actually the first time I've ever heard that in my adult life. It was kinda cool!

last look

This was the last look photo. The evening was winding down and we were all exhausted. Aunt Shirley wanted a quick photo with the family so I snapped it with my flash, and I was surprised it turned out pretty well!

And that's it folks! I may still go through a few of them, and I have the color versions of many of the black and white shots if anyone would like them.

Thank you to Stephanie for a beautiful wedding, to my Aunt Shirley and Tod for putting together such a lovely event, for Grandma and Grandpa along with George, Carolyn and the kids for coming up to our fair city and to Judah's family who were so kind. I welcome you to our family!
