The weekend went pretty much as I had hoped, there was no hiking but there was blueberry pancakes that took hours to make...ok, well..perhaps there were other activities that interrupted the cooking...and there were definitely Muppets, and there was good friends, and there was dim sum and then there was the purchase of my nifty fifty. Yay new lenses!
The family is beginning to arrive; my grandparents are already here and I've begun getting calls from relatives about bbq's and dinners and such. My excitement to see my cousins is being slightly overshadowed by my trepidation of the other side of my family and the now almost crushing guilt that my mom isn't here to share in this. I'm trying to stay calm and quiet...being alone and wandering with my camera helped today, but I know I'm projecting my feelings on to friends and situations, which I have got to stop doing.

I have mixed feelings about the above shot. This man was sitting in the setting sun, meditating so intently that I could have done a multi-exposure shot and wouldn't have seen any ghosting. The processing is getting me, and it's reminding me a little of when I first started shooting. Maybe it's because it was my first outing with my new lens. I'm still learning and there are so many buttons and settings on my camera that sometimes I have to go to the manual to figure out what I'm doing. I've been uninspired lately, and perhaps it's just because I'm on this learning curve.
Anyway I have flower shots, which I will post tomorrow, and if you're wondering about the title of this post just remember: anagrams are fun!
On a related note, the anagram for the adorable boyfriends name?
Moral Nutcases
Awesome on so many levels :-)