comfort zone

A few years ago I dragged my then boyfriend to the Oktoberfest at Alpine Village down in Torrance, CA. We didn't get a stein with the price of admission but they served draft beer in these giant cups that succeeded in getting me totally hammered. I was having a BLAST but Bill sat there all "I'm too cool for this crap" like while I stood up and did the chicken dance. It was great, awesome, soooo much fun and it was the first time I really did silly things in public without worrying too much about what anyone else though.

Time to put really put that resolve to test this weekend. Will I go to the Fremont Oktoberfest in costume? Will I chicken out? Can I talk the tall one into wearing lederhosen? Did I really just post a picture of myself in a beer wench costume on the internet? Oy...

Wish me luck!

p.s. that's not the will be even more awesomer.

p.p.s. that's right, I said awesomer.
