Sorry for the hiatus, but it's been a busy month!

As I mentioned before, my cousin Levi invited me to the Dave Matthews Band show at the Gorge and I took a half day on Friday to drive over and meet him along with my Aunt Shirley and her husband Tod. I got there pretty early and was able to secure a spot at the front of the line. I had no idea that this was Levi's first ever concert and also Aunt Shirley's first time ever at the Gorge, so I felt really lucky to be there to share it with them.

As is the ritual at any Gorge show we needed one person to run ahead to grab our spot on the lawn and Levi was tasked. He did a GREAT job and landed us a sweet spot on the second stair up. We laid out the blanket and I went wandering for shots of the crowd. I took quite a few and since I brought the D90 in with me I think people assumed I was with the band and anytime I tried to get shots people would jump in front of the camera.

The sun began to set as G Love and Special Sauce took the stage. I noticed everyone on the top of the hill watching the setting sun and I just had to run up and grab a shot. Although many people were quite intoxicated the majority of the people there were enjoying the beautiful venue and it was cool to chat with the random people who were just so happy to be there. I think that was probably my favorite thing, talking with not only the concert goers, but also my Aunt and Tod who were in such great spirits.

This being my 26th (or so) show I had high expectations for the band. They had canceled their last show due to Dave's voice and so I was hoping that a week of rest would have him in better shape. Turns out it was fine, and he hit the high notes of Proudest Monkey (the opener) perfectly, but he played it safe and had Danny Barnes sing a couple of songs later on in the set. I've definitely seen better shows and although I shouldn't have done it I took a look at Saturday's set list and it was infinitely better than Friday's. It's been so long since I'd been to the gorge that I forgot which are the best days. I guess next time I'll just have to go to all three!

I think the best part of the show was singing along with Levi. He and I were singing the new stuff at the top of our lungs. Aunt Shirley said she looked over at us and saw so much happiness in our faces that she wished she had a camera to capture the moment. Levi and I were calling songs and he even called "Gravedigger", which was a big surprise to me!

I ended up driving back that night and was exhausted by the time I got home. The weekend was busy and I didn't end up capturing most of it with my camera. Bumbershoot on Saturday was fun and tiring as I caught a bit of a cold the night before but we still got to see a comedy show, Otep (yikes) and the band I really wanted to check out, The Long Winters. I'm sure I would have enjoyed them a bit more if I wasn't so tired. We wandered out of the park before their set was over and I kept making the tall one stop because I wanted to hear what the next song was. He ended up dragging me into a taxi for home so I could finally get some rest.
Sunday the tall one took me to PAX as he had free passes. It's a gamer convention, and it was the last day so these guys were pretty ripe. It was interesting wandering around the convention floor and we saw a preview of the new Avatar 3D which was pretty fun. My favorite part though was playing Guillotine. They had a big game room where you could rent out any board game and that was our choice. Plus, it was nice to sit. My cold was getting worse and being in a convention center with a bunch of smelly nerds was not helping my spirits in the least bit. I'm pretty lucky that the tall one thinks my grumpiness is cute, but I'm sure even that has it's limits and after the finale game of the Omegathon we headed home.
This month has been a long one for me. I haven't had much time to process it all and now that it's over I'm kinda in a funk. I'm grateful for the time to be quiet and rest now, but it's going to take a little bit for me to get back to normal I think. As the days get shorter and the weather turns cold I'm grateful that I've had the opportunity to really experience a Seattle summer. The tall one has shown me so much of my own city that it makes me feel like an outsider...I guess the jury is still out on me being a Seattlite anyway. Still, I'm happy to be here and thankful for the adorable boy who guides me around and never lets me miss an opportunity to explore.

As I mentioned before, my cousin Levi invited me to the Dave Matthews Band show at the Gorge and I took a half day on Friday to drive over and meet him along with my Aunt Shirley and her husband Tod. I got there pretty early and was able to secure a spot at the front of the line. I had no idea that this was Levi's first ever concert and also Aunt Shirley's first time ever at the Gorge, so I felt really lucky to be there to share it with them.

As is the ritual at any Gorge show we needed one person to run ahead to grab our spot on the lawn and Levi was tasked. He did a GREAT job and landed us a sweet spot on the second stair up. We laid out the blanket and I went wandering for shots of the crowd. I took quite a few and since I brought the D90 in with me I think people assumed I was with the band and anytime I tried to get shots people would jump in front of the camera.

The sun began to set as G Love and Special Sauce took the stage. I noticed everyone on the top of the hill watching the setting sun and I just had to run up and grab a shot. Although many people were quite intoxicated the majority of the people there were enjoying the beautiful venue and it was cool to chat with the random people who were just so happy to be there. I think that was probably my favorite thing, talking with not only the concert goers, but also my Aunt and Tod who were in such great spirits.

This being my 26th (or so) show I had high expectations for the band. They had canceled their last show due to Dave's voice and so I was hoping that a week of rest would have him in better shape. Turns out it was fine, and he hit the high notes of Proudest Monkey (the opener) perfectly, but he played it safe and had Danny Barnes sing a couple of songs later on in the set. I've definitely seen better shows and although I shouldn't have done it I took a look at Saturday's set list and it was infinitely better than Friday's. It's been so long since I'd been to the gorge that I forgot which are the best days. I guess next time I'll just have to go to all three!

I think the best part of the show was singing along with Levi. He and I were singing the new stuff at the top of our lungs. Aunt Shirley said she looked over at us and saw so much happiness in our faces that she wished she had a camera to capture the moment. Levi and I were calling songs and he even called "Gravedigger", which was a big surprise to me!

I ended up driving back that night and was exhausted by the time I got home. The weekend was busy and I didn't end up capturing most of it with my camera. Bumbershoot on Saturday was fun and tiring as I caught a bit of a cold the night before but we still got to see a comedy show, Otep (yikes) and the band I really wanted to check out, The Long Winters. I'm sure I would have enjoyed them a bit more if I wasn't so tired. We wandered out of the park before their set was over and I kept making the tall one stop because I wanted to hear what the next song was. He ended up dragging me into a taxi for home so I could finally get some rest.
Sunday the tall one took me to PAX as he had free passes. It's a gamer convention, and it was the last day so these guys were pretty ripe. It was interesting wandering around the convention floor and we saw a preview of the new Avatar 3D which was pretty fun. My favorite part though was playing Guillotine. They had a big game room where you could rent out any board game and that was our choice. Plus, it was nice to sit. My cold was getting worse and being in a convention center with a bunch of smelly nerds was not helping my spirits in the least bit. I'm pretty lucky that the tall one thinks my grumpiness is cute, but I'm sure even that has it's limits and after the finale game of the Omegathon we headed home.
This month has been a long one for me. I haven't had much time to process it all and now that it's over I'm kinda in a funk. I'm grateful for the time to be quiet and rest now, but it's going to take a little bit for me to get back to normal I think. As the days get shorter and the weather turns cold I'm grateful that I've had the opportunity to really experience a Seattle summer. The tall one has shown me so much of my own city that it makes me feel like an outsider...I guess the jury is still out on me being a Seattlite anyway. Still, I'm happy to be here and thankful for the adorable boy who guides me around and never lets me miss an opportunity to explore.