A zombie / rockabilly wedding where the bride was sewing her own dress, the ceremony was officiated by a skeleton, two different venues and under $2500 dollars to do....in two weeks. Oh yeah, they pulled it off.

I quickly found out that there was no way I was getting good pictures at this thing. It was completely at night, the entire wedding party was in black and red, the only light at the ceremony was from a campfire and the lighting at the reception wasn't much better.

Flashbulbs were abound at this wedding so I figured it was well documented. I sat back and observed. Hanging out with the tall one's parents, eating the yummy sushi that was provided and the eyeball cupcakes for desert.

The tall one was mucho grumpy for most of evening and I had no idea it was because he was super scared to give his speech. Dodi is one of his best friends and of course she had him in her wedding. I joked throughout the evening that he was a bridesmaid, but we eventually settled on bridesman. His speech went well and he was able to calm down a little and enjoy the wedding.
I swear to you I didn't get one shot with Dodi's eye's open. I suck as a wedding photographer. If I'd had the speedlight I'm pretty sure I would have done a lot better, but I just couldn't swing the purchase. Oh well, I learned a lot on this one and was able to enjoy the wedding without a camera in the way for once.

Dodi wanted a picture of her excellent makeup so they could recreate it for a photo shoot they will be having in a couple months. She looked down so I could get the length of her eyelashes and I ended up with my favorite photo of the evening. They say if you only get one... :)
I felt really lucky to be with this beautiful couple the whole way through this process. From Dodi's frantic text messages to me because her maid of honor was out of town, to shopping for the perfect tie and dress, to watching the tall one nervously write out his speech for his best friend's wedding, to helping the bride get ready, to driving with her to the ceremony...it's been an interesting October!