After the heartbreaking exclamation "come on, let's go!" the tall one and I ventured, reluctantly on his part, out of the house on Saturday. I mostly wanted to catch the sunset from Kerry Park but I had also heard of a vendor fair that I knew the tall one would like. After wandering through and purchasing a fun new toy, he suggested heading over to The Counter for lunch. I had heard about two burger joints in Ballard that were model after the "Father's Office" style of burgers and The Counter was one of them. It was yummy, but there were many options to choose from and for a first timer it can be a bit overwhelming.

The sun was setting fast so after grabbing some caffeine at Peet's we headed up to Queen Anne. The park was very crowded when we arrived and I ran over to stake my claim on some real estate and left the tall one to guard the flag while I took photos of the sky.

I was focusing on the skyline and the tall one said "nothing against my city, because I do think it's beautiful, but the sky is putting on quite a show". Sure enough when I turned to face the setting sun the sky had turned an amazing red.

Check this one out all big and on black
Mostly I was focused on getting bracketed shots so I could experiment with HDR. I was becoming very frustrated with the process and I didn't understand why I couldn't figure out the processing once I uploaded all my photos. I'm not sure if I just wasn't taking the correct exposures or if I wasn't composing my shots well...but darn it if I didn't make some pretty HDR shots from what I took on Saturday. The main issue is that my monitor over saturates all the colors so I have no idea what the true color looks like until I upload it to flickr and then check it on my iphone. It's quite the process, however I'm pretty darn happy to finally have figured it out. (can I say process one more time? geesh stacy, thesaurus much?)

Speaking of happy :)

The sun was setting fast so after grabbing some caffeine at Peet's we headed up to Queen Anne. The park was very crowded when we arrived and I ran over to stake my claim on some real estate and left the tall one to guard the flag while I took photos of the sky.

I was focusing on the skyline and the tall one said "nothing against my city, because I do think it's beautiful, but the sky is putting on quite a show". Sure enough when I turned to face the setting sun the sky had turned an amazing red.

Check this one out all big and on black
Mostly I was focused on getting bracketed shots so I could experiment with HDR. I was becoming very frustrated with the process and I didn't understand why I couldn't figure out the processing once I uploaded all my photos. I'm not sure if I just wasn't taking the correct exposures or if I wasn't composing my shots well...but darn it if I didn't make some pretty HDR shots from what I took on Saturday. The main issue is that my monitor over saturates all the colors so I have no idea what the true color looks like until I upload it to flickr and then check it on my iphone. It's quite the process, however I'm pretty darn happy to finally have figured it out. (can I say process one more time? geesh stacy, thesaurus much?)

Speaking of happy :)