The tall one enjoys cooking with me and downloaded the Epicurious app for the iPhone with which he located this yummy strata recipe. We went shopping for all the ingredients and then put together everything that evening to let the dish set overnight, which was a big mistake because in the morning the bread on the bottom had become all soggy...but the top sure did look pretty!

We arrived on time to his parents house, much to the surprise of the family, on Thanksgiving day to the smell of turkey cooking in the oven. The table was festively set by his aunt Melody, complete with the menu for the evening. As I shot the table I noticed my frames were coming out very dark. I went to the on camera editing for one shot and I realized that I could use the active d-lighting setting to balance out the light. I got so excited I almost yelled "yay!!" out loud, but I realized that I'd sound like a big nerd when I explained why I had yelled, so I didn't.

While I sat chit chatting with his family, the tall one made his way back to the computer. After a while we found him and demanded he come and stir some shit, which he did, and I took his picture, which he hated...but I love this shot of him. The shadows on his face are so menacing and bring out his little smirk.

Even if I had nerded out Charlie, the tall one's uncle, would have totally understood. He's a nature photographer and I'm in awe of him. I still haven't worked up the nerve to talk shop with him, mostly because I don't think I'm that great. I've been in a slump lately when it comes to my photography after a bad experience with a local photographer but mostly because I don't have anyone to really talk with about it...I should join a club or something.
After dinner with the fam we headed over to Dodi and Michael's house for drinks. The Apples to Apples game was brought out again but I only played a little bit before heading for the couch. The combination of food, drink and having to keep up small talk the entire day had taken it's toll.
I almost didn't get Friday off, but luckily I guilted my boss into letting me stay home. Instead of braving the shopping crowds we decided to lay in bed for a bit watching The Wire, but the allure of the sunset was too much for me and we jumped in the car and I pointed it south. I had an idea to go to Dash Point State Park but we were hungry so I had the tall one do a search for food in the area (at first he asked if there were any restaurants that held any nostalgia for me in the south end and I said "um...the Olive Garden?" oy suburbia) and came up with Jimmy Mac's Roadhouse.
I want to go to there.
They had peanuts on the floor, bud light on tap, and served burgers on a hubcap. We were so ironically enjoying it that for a second we began to actually enjoy it. But soon the country music became too much and we decided to head over to Costco and check out their beer selection. I typically try not to spend too much time in the south end because it reminds me of how my life could have been had I not moved and being in Costco surrounded by the very same people that I didn't want to become was a bit overwhelming. Interesting too was that each Costco carries regional products and this particular one was filled with so much...well, crap. Toys, clothes, knick knacks, electronics, and a big display with Sarah Palin's book prominently displayed. The one in Seattle is filled with food, food, more food, tires, drugs and underwear. You know, the essentials.
We finally made it down to Dash Point at dusk, but all my shots suck so I'm not posting them.

Saturday was a very strange day. Everywhere we went something went wrong, but we got our passport photos (YAY!!), a warm jacket for me to celebrate John Lennon, a jacket for him that his mother will not approve of and windshield wipers for my car that I was strangely excited to use. I can't remember if he found this little buggy on Saturday or Sunday while raking leaves in his front yard, but it's a cool little thing.
Sunday...bed. The Wire. snuggles. kisses. heaven.