now the fun part begins!

Last night while standing amongst a huge pile of clothes, sandwiched in between my newly moved couch, 5 boxes and the bed in the living room, tears sprang to my eyes. Not like it's much of a stretch to get me to cry, but it was a bit of an emotional day after moving the last bits of belongings from the apartment I had lived in for over a year in a neighborhood that I loved, round the corner from my favorite restaurants and my best friend to a new place that I didn't own and I had to share (only child syndrome), that was in a neighborhood still foreign to me and filled with residents that will perpetually stay the same age while I get older and fatter.

Overwhelmed as I was, the tears weren't just about the massive amount of shit that needed to be done nor where the hell was I going to shove all this stuff that I had packed up from the old place, but mostly they were about the transition. I've done this before, it's nothing new, but going through it with someone while I work through my emotions and fears and while I let go of an old life and embrace a new one scares the shite out of me. When I moved up to Seattle from LA I went through the worst experience EVER in trying to transition from a life in fast paced Los Angeles to a small suburb apartment in Bellevue, Washington. It was HORRID and I was freaking out and unfortunately the man I was moving in with was so concerned about how he is perceived by the world and by me that he took my freak out to be all about him instead of helping me to transition.

I won't say I was a peach during that time, and trust me I learned a lot from that experience and it's the only thing that stops me from currently running through the streets of the U-District shouting "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?" in regards to my current love. I learned to communicate better, but it helps to have someone who will also talk instead of retreating into a "cave".

Fuck I hated that phrase.

So as I stood there last night, tears streaming down my face, wearing my frustration, weariness and fear on my sleeve my adorable tall one stepped over the mess and pulled my slobbering face to his and told me he loved me and that he was so happy I was moving in.

Because he's awesome.

He's a model for all boyfriends. I want to bottle his awesomeness and sell it to women everywhere...or should I sell it to men so they too can be awesome? Seriously we could create world peace with that shit. You don't even know.

/ daily tall one awesomeness affirmation

Seeing as I haven't picked up my camera in exactly a month now (again, have you LOOKED outside? booo grey winter) I figured I'd give you a little update on one of my NYE resolutions. I joined a gym on December 31st and have been going 4 days a week and today is the beginning of my forth week. Since scales are the DEVIL I have no clue if I've lost any weight, but I can walk up the stairs without wanting to fall over and I can run 2 miles straight without stopping (unless the treadmill loses power...which totally happened! I think it was because I was running so awesomely fast, but the gym thinks it had something to do with the wiring...whatev). LOOK OUT MOUNTAINS!! HERE I COME!!

Once it gets a little sunnier out, that is.

Also, in honor of one my favorite comedian/baker/actor/freaking amazing person Mandi (her blog to be found here) who has embarked on a similar journey to mine, except she moved to FREAKIN CHICAGO! for her SLM (sweet lovin' man) and has also made it a point to get on the healthy bandwagon, I wanted to post my and the tall one's favorite low fat and easy recipe.

Chicken Tacos

makes 4 to 6 tacos

4 or 6 10" tortillas (low carb if you want to be really good)
1 pre-cooked chicken from the deli of your local grocery store
2 tbls Dean and Deluca Chili Powder Blend which should be available at your local grocery store and is SUPER versatile and has a fraction of the salt of other blends, but you can substitute another (but don't! trust me on this)
1/4 cup of cheese
1 tomato, diced
handful of mixed greens or whatever lettuce you have in the fridge, chopped
1/4 cup of onion, diced
hot sauce of your choice


Pre-heat oven to 350
Shred approximately 1 to 1/2 cups of the pre-made chicken breast and set aside. To a non-stick skillet on medium heat add the diced onion and let them sweat it out for about 4 minutes before adding the chicken to the skillet along with the chili powder and about a 1/4 cup of water, or enough to mix the chili powder evenly amongst the chicken and onions. Cover and let simmer for about 4 minutes, then uncover and allow for the water to evaporate before removing the skillet from the heat.
Place the tortillas into the oven, directly onto the rack, and allow to heat for 45 seconds to a minute then remove to a paper towel or extra plate and begin to assemble the tacos!
I put the chicken in first, then the cheese, then a few dashes of hot sauce, then lettuce, then tomatoes.

Then eat!!

No pictures because I was so starving last time I made them that I completely forgot.

A few notes:
If you'd like to have side dishes, may I suggest Trader Joes Organic Black Beans with a little shredded parmesan over the top. You can also use your new super yummy chili powder to make a "spanish rice" by adding a couple teaspoons of the powder to white rice before adding the water and then cook in a rice cooker or on the stove top. By using the non-stick skillet you don't need oil to brown up your onions so you save on calories there, and the left over pre-made chicken can be used in MULTIPLE dishes and is so great to have on hand for the nights that you just don't want to make anything. We use it in enchiladas, chicken salads, or just warm up a few pieces of the breast and pair it with small red baked potato and some steamed broccoli.



*runs around waving hands in the air reminiscent of kermit the frog*


MandiCrocker said…
Awwww, Miss Stacer, I know ALL of that. I've never lived with anyone before so it's definitely been a 'transition' in more ways than 80! The SLM has been exceptionally wonderful and I'm so glad you're 'tall one' (awww- I LOVE that) has been equally supportive and amazing.

As for losing weight... YOU. GO. GIRL!!!! There's so many delicious things to make that are low-cal. I will definitely try out those tacos!!! And with that, I'm going to work out. Love my courageous (as always) girl!!!
stacy marie said…
I'm sooo super proud of you, Mandi! Keep those great recipes coming and more stories about Chicago!! I need to come visit you now :)