To celebrate our one year anniversary I decided to have my ex-boyfriend come and stay with us for a weekend. Because, you know, if we can make it through that...
Actually, Bill had this weekend planned for about 5 months and had asked if he and his friends could stay in my apartment for the weekend. I agreed, but then the tall one and I began to cohabitate. Luckily he's awesome and told me to invite the group to come stay at our house. YAY! Our first visitors!
They arrived Thursday night and after drinks and a quick dinner at Flowers on the Ave we headed to bed so we could get an early start the next day. Unfortunately the tall one had to work, but I took the day off. Bill and I had coffee at Cafe Racer (a place right down the street that I've been wanting to check out...and it was awesome) while waiting for Matt and Van to wake up. Once they were up and going it was off to the Seattle Center.

The day was SUPER DUPER beautiful so we decided to head up to the top of the Space Needle. All three had never been and since Van is a shutterbug like me I thought she'd love the view. We then went over to the Sculpture Park before heading up to Quinns on Capitol Hill to meet an old friend of Bill's. Apparently she was his very first love when he was like 6 years old but then she moved away. He said this was the girl that he subsequently compared all other girls to....and it turns out she's gay :) I had invited Casey out since we were on the Hill and so he and I chatted while Van and Matt looked at pictures and Bill and his friend reminisced. Eventually the tall one joined us as well and we finished up drinks and then headed back to the house as Bill wanted to cook us dinner as a thank you for letting them stay.

I invited Zach over for dinner and another one of Bill's friends joined us. I can't remember her name, but oh my goodness was she loud. Dinner was yummy and the conversation was good, but the tall one tired easily after a long day at work so we bid everyone good night after a while and let them go off to do their own thing.

I do believe Bill came back late and sat in the living room watching the fire go out. It felt nice that we had made a home so comfortable that even he could sit and be calm in it.

For the life of me I can not remember what the hell we did on Saturday except for seeing Seawolf and the Album Leaf at Nuemos and then finishing the night at the Central where I became very drunk and ate a hot dog.

The next day continued the tour of Seattle with dim sum, a ferry ride, fish and chips at the Owl and Thistle and then wandering around Pioneer least I think that's all we did, I mean seriously we shoved so much crap into three days that by the time they left on Sunday we were so wired that sleep didn't even come and we both got a little sick. Both of us ended up calling in to work on Monday so we could actually sleep since that didn't happen at all on Sunday night.
I brought my film camera with me everywhere so I'm hoping to get some fun shots put up on the blog once I get them developed. I think I have like 5 rolls, I'm really excited to see how they turned out.
..and happy anniversary tall one, I love you and am eternally grateful for you!

best anniversary pic ever!! ------>
Actually, Bill had this weekend planned for about 5 months and had asked if he and his friends could stay in my apartment for the weekend. I agreed, but then the tall one and I began to cohabitate. Luckily he's awesome and told me to invite the group to come stay at our house. YAY! Our first visitors!
They arrived Thursday night and after drinks and a quick dinner at Flowers on the Ave we headed to bed so we could get an early start the next day. Unfortunately the tall one had to work, but I took the day off. Bill and I had coffee at Cafe Racer (a place right down the street that I've been wanting to check out...and it was awesome) while waiting for Matt and Van to wake up. Once they were up and going it was off to the Seattle Center.

The day was SUPER DUPER beautiful so we decided to head up to the top of the Space Needle. All three had never been and since Van is a shutterbug like me I thought she'd love the view. We then went over to the Sculpture Park before heading up to Quinns on Capitol Hill to meet an old friend of Bill's. Apparently she was his very first love when he was like 6 years old but then she moved away. He said this was the girl that he subsequently compared all other girls to....and it turns out she's gay :) I had invited Casey out since we were on the Hill and so he and I chatted while Van and Matt looked at pictures and Bill and his friend reminisced. Eventually the tall one joined us as well and we finished up drinks and then headed back to the house as Bill wanted to cook us dinner as a thank you for letting them stay.

I invited Zach over for dinner and another one of Bill's friends joined us. I can't remember her name, but oh my goodness was she loud. Dinner was yummy and the conversation was good, but the tall one tired easily after a long day at work so we bid everyone good night after a while and let them go off to do their own thing.

I do believe Bill came back late and sat in the living room watching the fire go out. It felt nice that we had made a home so comfortable that even he could sit and be calm in it.

For the life of me I can not remember what the hell we did on Saturday except for seeing Seawolf and the Album Leaf at Nuemos and then finishing the night at the Central where I became very drunk and ate a hot dog.

The next day continued the tour of Seattle with dim sum, a ferry ride, fish and chips at the Owl and Thistle and then wandering around Pioneer least I think that's all we did, I mean seriously we shoved so much crap into three days that by the time they left on Sunday we were so wired that sleep didn't even come and we both got a little sick. Both of us ended up calling in to work on Monday so we could actually sleep since that didn't happen at all on Sunday night.
I brought my film camera with me everywhere so I'm hoping to get some fun shots put up on the blog once I get them developed. I think I have like 5 rolls, I'm really excited to see how they turned out.
..and happy anniversary tall one, I love you and am eternally grateful for you!
best anniversary pic ever!! ------>
I think we somehow create a reality distortion field, every day with you is a happy blur. Though I seem to remember going to the EMP this weekend, I wouldn't bet on it :-)
It was nice to reflect on our first year together, and if even half of our plans work out as we hope it'll be the best year ever. Though honestly if nothing works out, as long as you're with me, it will still be the best ever.
You've made my house a home, renewed my love of the outdoors, fueled my ambitions and put my dreams within reach. You encourage me, cheer me up when I need it, your enthusiasm makes everything better. I'm so grateful for you.
Happy anniversary, my love.
-Tall One
PS I can't believe you posted that picture. Oy!
I just discovered your blog today. Trying to catch up!
Love you,