

Last Saturday was a beautiful day and like I mentioned in a previous post I wandered a bit, with my camera accidentally set to ISO 600, taking pictures of the neighborhood. I thought the shots were a wash, but it was only the closeups that were really noisy. The above shot is straight from the camera, only cropped up a bit. That sky color was out of control, yes?

shadow and light

An old friend is living in New York City and she recently put up some pictures of Daido Moriyama' show. I was really inspired by his style and it influenced me a lot when I was processing the above shot. I just love the sparkly leaves and shadows.

The day is calling, I had better get up and get out there. Party tonight for Michael's birthday, should be fun with a drugged up tall one and a house full of people that I don't exactly know :-) I can't wait!


Lee Ryan said…
that's an awesome picture of the flower!
stacy marie said…
Thank you Lee!