After driving all the way to Mt. Vernon on Saturday you'd think I'd want to lay in bed all day watching Mad Men...and actually, I did want to. Unfortunately I woke up hours before the tall one did and while waiting for him to awake I became
Luckily he knows to shuttle me to food as soon as possible when I'm grumpy face. We threw on some clothes and wandered the couple blocks to Blue Dog Kitchen on the Ave.

We attempted another cafe first after seeing it a few evenings ago and noticing they had brunch. However their selections were mostly quiches and biscuits and gravy. Not even Bon Iver playing on the radio could get us to stay, we were in the mood for a big breakfast, so over to Blue Dog we went.

I got a little buzz from the coffee while waiting for breakfast to arrive. We also played peek-a-boo with a little boy sitting at the next table.

pancakes = yummy
Now in food coma mode our previous idea to drive up to see snow seemed daunting, but we pushed on...and I'm glad we did. Even if I did get pushed face first into the snow by my lovely boyfriend.
Luckily he knows to shuttle me to food as soon as possible when I'm grumpy face. We threw on some clothes and wandered the couple blocks to Blue Dog Kitchen on the Ave.

We attempted another cafe first after seeing it a few evenings ago and noticing they had brunch. However their selections were mostly quiches and biscuits and gravy. Not even Bon Iver playing on the radio could get us to stay, we were in the mood for a big breakfast, so over to Blue Dog we went.

I got a little buzz from the coffee while waiting for breakfast to arrive. We also played peek-a-boo with a little boy sitting at the next table.

pancakes = yummy
Now in food coma mode our previous idea to drive up to see snow seemed daunting, but we pushed on...and I'm glad we did. Even if I did get pushed face first into the snow by my lovely boyfriend.