It's been a while since I posted and although there is a good reason as to why I haven't been posting lately I can't really mention it for a couple months. As for today's posting it will be short because I'm injured. I've got a stress injury from work that is making life a bit frustrating so typing is not any fun...
BUT speaking of FUN the tall one and I spend a lovely weekend exploring all that this beautiful state has to offer and like true Seattleites we weren't deterred by a little rain!
This was a special weekend for the tall one and I and he had lofty goals for us over the three day holiday. We began early on Saturday morning with breakfast in bed and then a quick drive over to Pacific Place for the SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) film Turtle: The Incredible Journey. My thoughts: "AWWW TURTLES!!" and the tall one: "I liked it, but the narration was geared a little too much towards children".
We had planned on doing some shoe shopping but hunger stopped us from going any further than the Dr. Marten's store on 2nd. We went on a search for food and decided on Fado as neither of us had ever eaten there and yay irish fare. We passed the SAM (Seattle Art Museum) on the way to the pub and almost stopped in for the Kurt exhibit that is going on, but decided on food first. After what I thought was yummy and the tall one thought was a bit mediocre meal (and my first guiness!! YUM!) we decided that a nap sounded better than the museum so off to home we went. That night the tall one had the boys over for a poker game and I caught up on Top Chef Masters.

We wanted to get a hike in and Sunday looked to be the best day. I originally wanted to head out to Ingallis Creek because the wildflowers are blooming but I was a bit worried about the long drive and we had friends coming over that night so I consulted the books before deciding on Barclay Lake off Highway 2.
Barclay Lake hike is a gentle 4 1/2 mile roundtrip hike to a long, deep lake with Baring Mountain towering overhead. It's a nice and easy hike, with lots of kids and puppies running around, but if you're looking for a something a little more challenging this hike can provide. After reaching the north end of the lake look for the flags right after the "toilet" and then proceed directly up..up..UP 1500 feet in less than 2 miles to Eagle Lake. After passing a meadow you come upon the small lake that is accompanied by a small lakeside cabin.

Or so I've been told. I made it half way up the mountain before I told the tall one we had to stop. I just couldn't make it. My legs were shaking from the effort and I was worried about getting back down. In tearful defeat he led me back down the Eagle Lake trail to the much flatter Barclay Lake trail and we began the 2 1/2 mile trek back to the car.

I lead the way and in a break in the conversation I looked up and noticed that I didn't recognize anything. I had missed a turn somewhere. The tall one headed towards the creek to see if he could determine our whereabouts and I went just a little bit further down the trail and noticed someone down by the water bushwacking their way through what was left of the trail. I called to her and relieved she said "Oh thank God! I lost my way and I don't know where I am!" in the most adorable Scottish brogue that we later learned had faded much after having lived in the states for 13 years. Apparently her party was split up and she missed the turn like we did. Luckily I had the boy scout with me and he was able to determine where we missed the main trail (a blatant bridge over the river which I completely missed). The tall one and I, yet again saving a damsel in distress! I'm going to make him a cape, I swear.

Making it home in time to rest and clean up before Dodi, Michael and Michael's friends joined us for dinner, we eagerly awaited their arrival as I had heard that Michael's cooking was not something to be missed. On the menu was lobster, home made gnocchi, home made crab cakes and a yummy salad with fresh squid, which the tall one learned how to clean. Michael out did himself with this meal and I'll never feel comfortable cooking for him again! I swear to you it was one of the best meals I've ever had. I'm going to need to watch a lot more Food Network :)

My hand is starting to hurt and I've already written more than I thought I would so let me close this out with Folklife. After dim sum we met some friends over at the Seattle Center for the last day of the Folklife festival. We wandered, we listened, we watched a crazy guy dance like no one was watching him, we chatted, we hung out at the Fun House for a birthday party, we ate at Zeeks, we chatted more, we walked more, we went home and watched Brotherhood until we passed out.

This weekend will always be a special time for the tall one and I and I'm glad we got to spend it with friends.
BUT speaking of FUN the tall one and I spend a lovely weekend exploring all that this beautiful state has to offer and like true Seattleites we weren't deterred by a little rain!
This was a special weekend for the tall one and I and he had lofty goals for us over the three day holiday. We began early on Saturday morning with breakfast in bed and then a quick drive over to Pacific Place for the SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) film Turtle: The Incredible Journey. My thoughts: "AWWW TURTLES!!" and the tall one: "I liked it, but the narration was geared a little too much towards children".
We had planned on doing some shoe shopping but hunger stopped us from going any further than the Dr. Marten's store on 2nd. We went on a search for food and decided on Fado as neither of us had ever eaten there and yay irish fare. We passed the SAM (Seattle Art Museum) on the way to the pub and almost stopped in for the Kurt exhibit that is going on, but decided on food first. After what I thought was yummy and the tall one thought was a bit mediocre meal (and my first guiness!! YUM!) we decided that a nap sounded better than the museum so off to home we went. That night the tall one had the boys over for a poker game and I caught up on Top Chef Masters.

We wanted to get a hike in and Sunday looked to be the best day. I originally wanted to head out to Ingallis Creek because the wildflowers are blooming but I was a bit worried about the long drive and we had friends coming over that night so I consulted the books before deciding on Barclay Lake off Highway 2.

Barclay Lake hike is a gentle 4 1/2 mile roundtrip hike to a long, deep lake with Baring Mountain towering overhead. It's a nice and easy hike, with lots of kids and puppies running around, but if you're looking for a something a little more challenging this hike can provide. After reaching the north end of the lake look for the flags right after the "toilet" and then proceed directly up..up..UP 1500 feet in less than 2 miles to Eagle Lake. After passing a meadow you come upon the small lake that is accompanied by a small lakeside cabin.

Or so I've been told. I made it half way up the mountain before I told the tall one we had to stop. I just couldn't make it. My legs were shaking from the effort and I was worried about getting back down. In tearful defeat he led me back down the Eagle Lake trail to the much flatter Barclay Lake trail and we began the 2 1/2 mile trek back to the car.

I lead the way and in a break in the conversation I looked up and noticed that I didn't recognize anything. I had missed a turn somewhere. The tall one headed towards the creek to see if he could determine our whereabouts and I went just a little bit further down the trail and noticed someone down by the water bushwacking their way through what was left of the trail. I called to her and relieved she said "Oh thank God! I lost my way and I don't know where I am!" in the most adorable Scottish brogue that we later learned had faded much after having lived in the states for 13 years. Apparently her party was split up and she missed the turn like we did. Luckily I had the boy scout with me and he was able to determine where we missed the main trail (a blatant bridge over the river which I completely missed). The tall one and I, yet again saving a damsel in distress! I'm going to make him a cape, I swear.

Making it home in time to rest and clean up before Dodi, Michael and Michael's friends joined us for dinner, we eagerly awaited their arrival as I had heard that Michael's cooking was not something to be missed. On the menu was lobster, home made gnocchi, home made crab cakes and a yummy salad with fresh squid, which the tall one learned how to clean. Michael out did himself with this meal and I'll never feel comfortable cooking for him again! I swear to you it was one of the best meals I've ever had. I'm going to need to watch a lot more Food Network :)

My hand is starting to hurt and I've already written more than I thought I would so let me close this out with Folklife. After dim sum we met some friends over at the Seattle Center for the last day of the Folklife festival. We wandered, we listened, we watched a crazy guy dance like no one was watching him, we chatted, we hung out at the Fun House for a birthday party, we ate at Zeeks, we chatted more, we walked more, we went home and watched Brotherhood until we passed out.

This weekend will always be a special time for the tall one and I and I'm glad we got to spend it with friends.