Remember me? I used to blog here, almost every day! Then I met the most awesomest boy in the whole wide world and he showed me all the things I was missing with my face always buried behind a camera. Then he asked me to marry him, then I quit my job and then...well, now here I am!
I had mentioned that there was some big things coming up that I wasn't able to talk about just yet, but now I am! If you are patient with me in the next few months you will be shown the world through my eyes. After our wedding at Paradise in Mt. Rainier National Park we will be leaving for a month long trip to Europe. We will be visiting Prague, Munich for the 200th celebration of Oktoberfest, Venice (!!!), Croatia and the Plitvice Lakes, Vienna, Budapest and finally Istanbul.
I am going to be tied up in wedding plans and such until then but I will try to blog before we leave and also try to put up a "leading up to the wedding" post as I've been taking pictures of the process for the last month or so.
I purchased a netbook specifically for this trip and many of our hotels will have wifi so I fully plan on updating everyone while away but also will be spending quite some time when we get back editing photos and putting together informative posts about the different countries we visited.
I hope you stick with me on this! Wish us luck!
Oh, and....a lovely picture of paintbrush from a recent trip to Paradise. The wildflowers are beautiful right now.
I had mentioned that there was some big things coming up that I wasn't able to talk about just yet, but now I am! If you are patient with me in the next few months you will be shown the world through my eyes. After our wedding at Paradise in Mt. Rainier National Park we will be leaving for a month long trip to Europe. We will be visiting Prague, Munich for the 200th celebration of Oktoberfest, Venice (!!!), Croatia and the Plitvice Lakes, Vienna, Budapest and finally Istanbul.
I am going to be tied up in wedding plans and such until then but I will try to blog before we leave and also try to put up a "leading up to the wedding" post as I've been taking pictures of the process for the last month or so.
I purchased a netbook specifically for this trip and many of our hotels will have wifi so I fully plan on updating everyone while away but also will be spending quite some time when we get back editing photos and putting together informative posts about the different countries we visited.
I hope you stick with me on this! Wish us luck!
Oh, and....a lovely picture of paintbrush from a recent trip to Paradise. The wildflowers are beautiful right now.
