2009 Adventures

Just as I did in 2008, I'm archiving my 2009 adventures and presenting my favorite shots of the year. I actually put together another website called "lost in the ecotone" where I will be putting my favorite shots from this year and the coming years. I love having my blog to write the stories, but that site will eventually be my main photography site and will link to this blog.


2009 Adventures

Fort Flagler
Magnuson Park
Dirty Harry 1st Attempt
Dirty Harry Strike Two
Dirty Harry's Museum Found!
Mt. Saint Helens
Lake Serene / Bridal Veil Falls
Granite Mountain
Isabelle Ides / Shi Shi / Forks / Ocean Shores
My Big Gay Weekend
Spray Falls / Spray Park
Los Angeles
Stephie's Wedding Weekend
DMB at the Gorge
Blue Lake

Favorite Photos Of 2009

yellow larches four

sunset colors

spray of the falls

final silver at shi shi

south prairie at sunset

ferry waves

funny the way it is

finding blue

as big as the sea, as wide as the sky


the green lion sleeps tonight

when it was first discovered

blowing kisses

cha cha


